Being True
I happen to love the word TRUE. I love it so much that I told Dan if one day we ever have a daughter, I want to name her Truly, and we can call her True. He says we're going to call her Bo, but whatever. That's a topic for another time. Merriam-Webster defines true as "steadfast; loyal; honest; just; ideal; essential; consistent; legitimate; rightful; being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed" Am I true? Am I consistently honest, steadfast, loyal, rightful or legit? Surely not. I know I have been moreso in the last year and a half of my life than perhaps ever before, but I've certainly not knocked this one out of the park. President Hinckley told us to "be true." That sounds like a commandment to me. Though we've all heard all our lives to be honest, to not tell lies, that honesty is the best policy, tell the truth and nothing but the truth, why then with this knowledge of such a basic way to be...