
Showing posts from October, 2011

Being True

I happen to love the word TRUE.  I love it so much that I told Dan if one day we ever have a daughter, I want to name her Truly, and we can call her True.  He says we're going to call her Bo, but whatever.  That's a topic for another time. Merriam-Webster defines true as "steadfast; loyal; honest; just; ideal; essential; consistent; legitimate; rightful; being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed" Am I true?  Am I consistently honest, steadfast, loyal, rightful or legit?  Surely not.  I know I have been moreso in the last year and a half of my life than perhaps ever before, but I've certainly not knocked this one out of the park.  President Hinckley told us to "be true."  That sounds like a commandment to me.  Though we've all heard all our lives to be honest, to not tell lies, that honesty is the best policy, tell the truth and nothing but the truth, why then with this knowledge of such a basic way to be...

Be True!

♫♪♫♪♫♪  In an effort to get myself in gear for my Way To Be! challenge, I'm singing this song  both out loud and in my wee head all the day long.  ♪♫♪♫♪♫

An Illustration

Whilst the boss was on the other side of my desk talking to me, I created the image below.  (Perhaps I should commence being a better assistant a.s.a.p.)

A New Way to Be

I have had Gordon B. Hinckley on my mind and in my heart so very much lately.  I've sought his words in print, online, and most certainly on youtube many times in the past two months.  This past weekend I attended Time Out For Women where his daughter, Virginia Hinckley Pearce spoke.  She shares such a beautiful semblence with her father.  Seeing his face in hers this weekend perpetuated my need to fill my life with his words even more. With a bit of serious consideration, I've decided to take on a challenge.  President Hinckley gave such wise counsel to all of us, and he often spoke directly to young people.  I had received his book Way To Be !, which is actually directed at young people, from my mom about eight years ago.  For totally stupid reaons, I didn't incorporate its words and challenges into my life.  I do believe it's high time that I do now though.  With its wise advice, I shall find a new way to be Candace; ...

Oh Kramer.

I absolutely LOVE my dog.  He's sweet.  He's quirky.  Oh and yes, the chicken DOES have large talons.    Whilst I was in a sitting position in a private room this morning doing what I do every morning before I take a shower, Kramer busts in and gives me a hug.  Literally, a HUG.  He stretches his neck out and lays his head on my shoulder for a moment and says "good morning mama...I love you."  Of course I reply in kind and tell him it's time to get down.  On his way down, he leaves his mark so as to say "YOU ARE MINE, WOMAN!"  Ouch.  Meh.  I wonder how many days the red streaks will remain.  Sigh. Anyway, I love my dog and my dog loves me.

I've Lost Sleep Wanting This

When I lived in Tulsa, OK, I had the pleasure and priviledge of finding a most wonderful restaurant in Owasso called Three Tomatoes and a Mozzarella.  It was the very first franchise location of the mother location which just happened to be in sunny Scottsdale, AZ.  Now, having spent so many years in AZ, and even calling her home, I had never been graced with the Scottsdale experience of 3T&AM.  The Owasso location was a joy to say the least!  It offered a unique dining experience in the land of middle-American chains that I was subject to while in OK.  My favorite thing to order was their Fig & Gorganzola pizza on a whole wheat crust.  SIMPLY DIVINE.  We would go every few weeks.  Had it been closer to us in Tulsa, we would have gone at least weekly.  At any rate, the expected happened.  Three Tomatoes & A Mozzarella was simply too good for the folks of Owasso, OK and the place shut their doors forever.  Okla...

I'm Going There Someday

This week I made the appointments to have our endowments and sealing at the Washington DC temple in January.  HOORAY!  Yesterday I received the confirmation letters in the mail with all of the information so neatly spelled out for us too.  It's official.  We're really doing this.  We're really going to the temple! I'm thirty-six years old.  I've dreamed of this event for at least twenty-four years now.  I have people in my life and people who have been in my life who have helped me get to this point.  I am grateful to my mom for all the guidance she's given and continues to give.  I'm grateful to people like my friend & visiting teaching companion Kim who inspires me to be better everyday.  I'm grateful to my friend Trisha who is my personal cheerleader and makes me smile.  I'm grateful to my Relief Society president Andrea (former) who has believed in me and held my hand a lot in the last year and a half.  ...

After He Had to Go

One week ago tonight he left our home for good.  We knew one day he would go, we just didn't expect that it would have been this soon.  The way things had been going the past few weeks, I knew that I didn't think I could make it through the holidays with things going the same way.  But when the final straw broke this camel's back, that's all she wrote.  Well, not really.  Five big black garbage bags lied in wait down my hallway.  His bedroom door remained shut because the alternative was just too ridiculous to even consider.  I couldn't go in there without becoming angry, sick, and overwhelmed with so many emotions...and smells.  That room full of stink and filth didn't seem like reality.  It was hard for me to fathom why and how he could create this mess and allow himself to live within it.  But there it was, waiting for something.  The five black bags contained much of his clothing, all filthy, that had been strewn a...