Family Trees
Family trees are pretty darn cool. It's really cool when you help put them together. But they're even extra cool when they lead you to groovy discoveries about who your ancestors really are. A few months ago I discovered that my ancestors were nobles & royalty. Not too shabby. I've known for a very long time that my American ancestors were here before there was ever a federal union. But it wasn't until this past week that I realized I had true Native American ancestors. I find it's especially cool to Google the name of an ancestor and come up with a LOT of info... even if a lot of that info is on Wikipedia. Chief Powhatan, King Edward I, and Clovis , are just a few names in my direct line of ancestors. What I find particularly fun about this is that since I do love history, I was already quite familiar with their stories. Well, at least I'm familiar with the st...