Family Trees

Family trees are pretty darn cool.  It's really cool when you help put them together.  But they're even extra cool when they lead you to groovy discoveries about who your ancestors really are. 

A few months ago I discovered that my ancestors were nobles & royalty.  Not too shabby.  I've known for a very long time that my American ancestors were here before there was ever a federal union.  But it wasn't until this past week that I realized I had true Native American ancestors.  I find it's especially cool to Google the name of an ancestor and come up with a LOT of info... even if a lot of that info is on Wikipedia.  Chief Powhatan, King Edward I, and Clovis, are just a few names in my direct line of ancestors.  What I find particularly fun about this is that since I do love history, I was already quite familiar with their stories.  Well, at least I'm familiar with the stories that have made it out into the general population via public school, what I've read in libraries or Barnes & Noble for fun on rainy days, the History Channel, etc.  (This natural curiosity of mine has really improved my Jeopardy! game.)  While continually clicking on the next generation up in my family tree at New Family Search, I was able to get all the way to somewhere around 100 BC, and was into Roman names such as Nero & Caesar.  Seriously?!  Seriously.  Then the computer was all sluggish and it was time for me to get back to work.  By the way, one can get lost for HOURS at a time doing this.  (Don't tell my boss.) 

My mom had told me that once you get into royalty, the lines are pretty much all completed back to Adam & Eve.  Awww.  I know we're ALL related because we're sons of Adam & daughters of Eve.  But to see it in black & white is special.  Though it's one huge long chain, seeing the chain I'm apart of helps me to feel my individuality in a different way.  A good way.  I know I'm a daughter of God.  I know that every single one of us on earth needs the Savior to get back to our Father.  I know that no matter what my title is, or what the title of my great (x19) grandfather is, we all must have faith, be baptized with the right authority, make the right covenants with our Father in heaven, be repentant, and do the best we possibly can.  Whether you're a King, Queen, Captain, Chief, Duchess, Lord, Lady, or me, it really is that simple.


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