Ten Reasons I Love My Husband

(not that there are only ten... or that these are the ten best reasons either)

 1)  He stopped on a busy road at night in the pouring rain to help a stranger get her huge SUV out of the road.  He pushed and pushed 'til it was safe in a parking lot.  He was a drowned rat & she was able to comfortably wait for her friend to bring her some gas.

 2)  He has The Most Adorable voice when he's mimicking.  It's scratchy, a bit high-pitched, and cute.

 3)  He actually called Kramer "son" when K was in BIG trouble.

 4)  He knows that I have a favorite candy bar, and will get one for me when he sees it's needed.

 5)  He is a true Christian gentleman.

 6)  He always kisses me goodnight or goodbye.

 7)  He prays for our families & friends.

 8)  He set up Pandora channels just for me... without me even knowing it.

 9)  He checks in on me after a sad day, just to make sure I'm alright.

10)  He recognizes the occasional NEED for comfort food and will just make it happen on a really crappy day. 

See, he's the best, and I sure do love him!


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