The Adversary

He's in full swing. 

We're so close to magnificant and wonderful things that it just makes sense that somebody (grrr) wants to mess things up.  (Double grrr.)

I'm cranky.  I'm a crybaby.  I'm snappy.  I'm tired.  I'm judgemental.  It feels like I'm stuck in perma-pms, and I have felt this way since the end of summer. 

In my attempt to thwart this negativity, I've embarked on a quest to "BE" more of what Heavenly Father wants me to be.  You know, the BE's that Gordon B. Hinckley taught.  I've not been so awesome.  My focus is fuzzy right now.  I've got to get it together a.s.a.p. because well, I just gotta.  That and I've been told a time or two that I'm stubborn.  And by golly, the adversary will not win.

So there.  Take that.


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