Christmas Time

It is no secret:  I ♥ Christmas!  I love almost everything about it.  I love that we dedicate and entire season, at the very least an entire day, gobs of decor, postage, baking, cooking, wrapping, snuggling, and so on all for the celebration of the birth of our Savior!  And I truly do look at it like that. 

The gifts I give, the ones I receive, the cookies I bake, the cherries I dip, the cards I mail, the songs I sing, the delight in my eye when I see pretty lights, ornaments, designs, dresses, ribbons, etc. etc...  I truly do think of the Lord.  I've decided to say "Merry Christmas" to at least one stranger every single day this month.  I want to spread just a little bit of the joy I have inside to the outside world. 

I think being P.C. (politically correct---blech!) is dumb.  For the most part.  I used to date someone who HATED being told "Merry Christmas" by a sales clerk, or anybody else who wasn't giving him a present.  (That is jut ONE of the reasons it didn't quite work out for us.)  He would often say something snarky in return.  If he didn't say it to the supposed offender's face, he'd say it under his breath or he'd say it to me.  I'd make my argument that they feel joy for the birth of Jesus and wish joy for you.  Plain and simple.  He was poopy.  Plain and simple.  I don't get it, but that's fine.  I hope he has a merry Christmas this year.

I made a couple ornaments last night/this morning.  They took hardly any time at all to create, too.  I liked that part, especially.  They may not be the most beautiful creations ever, but I think they're lovely.  I think I'm going to make several of them and give them out too.  We'll see.  But here they are!

They have feathers!  Who doesn't love feathers!?  They're not the easiest to see in these photos, but I think they're cute nonetheless.  Now, if I could just get my Christmas cards done, then I'd really feel accomplished.



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