
Showing posts from January, 2012

signed SEALED delivered

WE DID IT! Quite possibly the BEST day of my life thus far.  Words are not enough.  I don't think I can describe the feelings I had on 1/19/2012 (our endowment day) and 1/20/2012 (our sealing).  Here's a little snippet of what I had put in an email to a friend who had asked how it went shortly after we came home: The sealing, our endowments, and everything just seemed perfect. Friday, Dan & I arrived way early to do initiatories for his dad, his grandma, and then we did their endowments. After that, we were sealed. After that, Dan baptized me for my grandma & another relative. It was super amazing. It was the first time Dan had ever baptized way cool, huh!?! Though we were pretty much mentally exhausted, we could've gone on forever like that. And though we weren't totally aware of it at the time, we both remarked on how wonderful it was to have not a single thought or care to do with anything out in the rest of our lives. Not a job thoug...

Stepping Out

I had a thought yesterday.  It was about the FCC.  It doesn't really matter how or why I got on to thinking about it, but it was definitely on my brain.  Anyway, I started thinking about the blessings of living in a free society.  I am definitely grateful for the liberties I do have.  I'm grateful to be able to worship as I please, to sit here and type these thoughts, and to generally be able to speak freely.  The Book of Mormon was able to be translated and published because of this right I enjoy.  And I happen to LOVE the Book of Mormon. So all of this said, why is there an entire conglomerate, funded by ME (taxpayer), set on regulating speech?  I'm troubled by this.  Now I know there are some voices that truly ought to just shut up.  I'm quite certain some of the time, one of those voices is my own.  However, it cannot be right for the federal government to compel me or anyone else to shut up, or say it differently, or when to ...

My Sacrament Meeting Talk 1/1/2012

Candace White—Sacrament Talk 1/1/2012   based on Richard G. Scott’s Oct. 2011 Conference talk:   “The Power of Scripture” Good afternoon and happy 2012 to everyone! “Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high.” My talk today is based on the trues and inspiration found in Elder Richard G. Scott’s most recent General Conference talk entitled “The Power of Scripture.”   I remembered this talk quite well, and I would encourage each of you to read it, as it is a beautiful reminder of the impact and the importance that the scriptures have in our lives. The scriptures, otherwise known as the Standard Works, include the King James version of the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.   Each of these divinely inspired books has had a great impact on my life, and has especially made an impact in my life with my sweet husband Dan.   If not for the ...

Merry Christmas Candy AND Be POSITIVE!

Lookie what I got for Christmas from my dear husband Dan! He found it on Craigslist.  We went to see it and not only was the piano cool, but the people he bought it from were great too.  Dan's Home Teaching companion, Jason Bosko, helped Dan bring it to the house.  HOORAY! I'm not musically talented, or at least I don't think I am.  I had two or three lessons when I was five years old.  I know middle C.  My knowledge ends right about there.  However, I am hopeful and I believe I am a good learner.  I've been practicing, and so far I can play "I Am a Child of God" pretty well, but just with my right hand.  None of this left hand business is down just yet.  Anyway, I practice everyday and I can't wait until I play a perfect waltz! So, this is me in my quest to BE POSITIVE.  With hard work, some blessings from above, and a positive attitude, I will develop this talent.  YES!