signed SEALED delivered


Quite possibly the BEST day of my life thus far.  Words are not enough.  I don't think I can describe the feelings I had on 1/19/2012 (our endowment day) and 1/20/2012 (our sealing). 

Here's a little snippet of what I had put in an email to a friend who had asked how it went shortly after we came home:
The sealing, our endowments, and everything just seemed perfect. Friday, Dan & I arrived way early to do initiatories for his dad, his grandma, and then we did their endowments. After that, we were sealed. After that, Dan baptized me for my grandma & another relative. It was super amazing. It was the first time Dan had ever baptized way cool, huh!?! Though we were pretty much mentally exhausted, we could've gone on forever like that. And though we weren't totally aware of it at the time, we both remarked on how wonderful it was to have not a single thought or care to do with anything out in the rest of our lives. Not a job thought, not a bill thought, not a bad or secular thought at all. It was such a sweet and happy time. It was wonderful to be able to share that with others too. I wish you could've been there, but that's okay... we can go together another time! For real! My (step) uncle was our sealer. It was awesome. He gave great counsel & was never preachy or weird. The spirit was soooo there. I think the entire time (Thurs & Fri) my eyes were dripping tears...and I don't cry pretty. But it was different this time. There's something about being in the temple that just made everything prettier...even me. At least that's how I felt. I hope that doesn't sound shallow, because it's not meant to be at all. I felt beautiful. I felt loved. I felt clean. Those two days were the best days of my life... I love my [initiatory].  I think I felt more close to the Lord during that than I ever have in any other time in my little life. I think I might love my husband just a little more too. We're closer, and we were really tight before.
So, that's my experience.  I haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to officially documenting my experience, so a copy & paste job must suffice.


  1. These kinds of posts give me the warm fuzzies...that is so exciting and it truly is the best feeling ever to be sealed for all eternity to the one you love! I would love if you would stop by my blog and say hello!
    Modern Modest Beauty

  2. Thanks Jenny! Truly, it was the best :) And I'll definitely check out your blog soon too. Ciao ciao!


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