Stepping Out

I had a thought yesterday.  It was about the FCC.  It doesn't really matter how or why I got on to thinking about it, but it was definitely on my brain.  Anyway, I started thinking about the blessings of living in a free society.  I am definitely grateful for the liberties I do have.  I'm grateful to be able to worship as I please, to sit here and type these thoughts, and to generally be able to speak freely.  The Book of Mormon was able to be translated and published because of this right I enjoy.  And I happen to LOVE the Book of Mormon.

So all of this said, why is there an entire conglomerate, funded by ME (taxpayer), set on regulating speech?  I'm troubled by this.  Now I know there are some voices that truly ought to just shut up.  I'm quite certain some of the time, one of those voices is my own.  However, it cannot be right for the federal government to compel me or anyone else to shut up, or say it differently, or when to say it or whatever.  With this in mind, I thought about the first amendment which speaks of our freedom of speech.  And then it hit me...

The FCC appears to be an illegal entity.

Amendment #1:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

àFrom “The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. It was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and operates as an independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress.”

Congress had no right to do this, because it was already forbidden in the Bill of Rights.

I happen to love the Bill of Rights, my country (especially its potential), and not being stepped on.  Why did the folks in 1934 make and allow this to happen?  There are SO many illegal things like this happening every single day anymore, that it's no wonder people think/feel The Constitution is old fashioned, antiquated, irrelevant, or merely a suggestion--that's its original intent may have worked "back then" but certainly cannot apply now.  I daresay those who knowingly defy the true law of the land have darkness in their hearts.  Those who unwittingly, or probably more accurately those who choose to stick their heads in the sand, and allow this go on are choosing said darkness too.  Though there is a LOT of gray matter in life, when it all boils down to it in the end, it's really only white and black.  Sheep or goats.  Liberty and happiness or misery and captivity.  I know what side I'm trying to be on, and that is why I choose NOT to step out on The Constitution.  It was inspired by God, and I know it needs to be followed.  Period.  Serious perspective needs to be learned & attained--government is a function of The Constitution.  The federal government didn't create The Constitution; the federal government was created, granted life & LIMITED powers by The Constitution.  If this is kept in mind, then we'll see how desperately far we as a nation have truly stepped out of line.

This all makes me kinda sad.


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