Pet Peeve

I'm househunting right now, and I came across one of my biggeset pet peeves.  Perhaps this bugs me because I actually work in the real estate industry.  I am the one who puts houses on the market.  I am the one who goes and takes the photos.  I am the one who writes up the ads.  I am the one who does everything she can to give the best and most honest photographic and written portrayal of a home to prospects.  I am also the one who gets to have the not-so-fun conversation with homeowners about the need to de-clutter their homes.  I am the one who on occasion will even make an unmade bed, shove junk in a box, or hide things out of the camera's view just so I can get the best shot.  It's not hard.  It's necessary.  I know this because when I come across photos of a home where the inside is such a disaster that it's hard to imagine my own stuff there, then I just breeze right on by it, and consider another home. 

I am the type of house hunter who combs the internet for the ones I am truly interested in before I approach an agent.  I don't want to waste my time or theirs.  Time is valuable.  So if I only have time for X amount of houses to visit, then they are going to be the best photographed homes.  I simply cannot see through the clutter, and I know I'm not the only one who sees it like this either. 

So here it is, homeowners, if you want to truly sell your home in the shortest time possible, then you better make sure your house doesn't look like THIS HOUSE does in person or in photos while on the market.  I'm not here to make fun of the homeowner in any way.  I imagine they're incredibly busy people.  There seem to be a bunch of kids in the family and it's clearly Christmastime, so nobody has a spotless house then.  But dude.  I seriously doubt the agent just popped in unexpectedly.  Even if, where was the sense or pride that would've said "COME BACK LATER!"???


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