Three Attributes
I've been feeling a bit lousy about an Econ quiz I didn't do as well on today as I had hoped I would. Sigh. Then I received this wee bit of feedback from my Book of Mormon teacher. I wish every student would turn in work like yours! It is heartfelt and genuine to read. Keep it up! You do great work. Brady Nixon, Jun 21 at 8:21am Oh that feels so very nice! This is the work he was referencing. In the sermon at the temple, Jesus teaches us how to live a perfect, celestial life. Search through 3 Nephi 12 for three attributes the Savior discusses which you would like to improve in your life. Then discuss how each attribute would help you to be a better person. 1) “And blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.” (3 Nephi 12:6) I’ve come to learn that I am somewhat of a seeker in life. I want to know things. I love learning. I’m okay with knowing the end of the book before I begi...