Rewards of Faith

In one of my online classes I'm taking right now, REL 122, which covers the 2nd half of the Book of Mormon, an assignment asked the following question of me, in regards to 3 Nephi Chapter 11.
Why is it significant to you that the Savior invited the people to come forth one by one to feel the prints in his hands and feet?
This is how I responded to the question.
Honestly, I think it was a reward for their faith. Jesus had never even been born when many of these people and their faithful ancestors were living the gospel. Sometimes we are given little sweet nuggets to reward our faith, little proofs here and there, that embolden our testimonies, but do not create them. These are gifts not given to those who don’t exercise faith because they mean nothing to them.
Also, I believe it was to help them to imprint into their own physical beings the reality of His crucifixion for their sakes. This may sound odd, but I’m running with it. When I was in the sixth grade, I went to a funeral of my mom’s best friend’s mother. I remember being at the casket with my mom looking at her. I knew her in life and was experiencing all the normal emotions of being an 11 or 12 year old girl at a funeral. While standing there, my mom said that it was okay to touch her. I said no. My mom told me to just do it. Now I don’t know exactly why she made me do it, but all these years later I am glad she did, although at the time I wasn’t glad. For YEARS, I could literally still feel what her lifeless arm felt like on my right index finger from me touching her. It was cold and the feeling wouldn’t go away. Some may say it was a little psychological damage, but it wasn’t. It was out of the ordinary, but not bad for my life. Touching her lifeless arm imprinted in my body the truthfulness that her body was now just flesh, not a soul—the body and spirit together. Though I no longer have the sensation on my finger of that touch, I can still remember it. I’ll always remember it. It’s a testimony to me. The Nephites touched the scars of Christ’s death, but He was ALIVE! They could NEVER deny what they felt. They knew the story of His crucifixion. They knew He descended from heaven. They knew He was the resurrected Christ. They now knew it in their bones as well as in their spirits. Their whole souls knew it, and they would be ever responsible for that knowledge. 
I just received my grade and feedback on this assignment today from my teacher, Brady Nixon. He's a terribly decent guy and I'm so thankful he's my teacher. He asks good questions and often has great counterpoints. I respect and admire him. And of course, I love a good grade & positive feedback.

Once again you delivered Candace. Just outstanding work. When you wrote for the second answer, "I think it was a reward of their faith" I thought of the last three verses from Alma 32 which says: 41 But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life. 42 And because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst. 43 Then, my brethren, YE SHALL REAP THE REWARDS OF YOUR FAITH, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.  
I think you are exactly correct... and I still remember when my parents encouraged me to touch the lifeless body of a family member and learning the same thing you did. 

I decided to post this here on my sooooo 2008 blog so that I don't lose it. I have a feeling I'll enjoy reading about that experience again one day, and I'll appreciate Bro. Nixon's reference as well. And like I said before, I do love a good grade and positive feedback. Right now, those are delicious rewards for my faith.


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