Three Attributes

I've been feeling a bit lousy about an Econ quiz I didn't do as well on today as I had hoped I would. Sigh. Then I received this wee bit of feedback from my Book of Mormon teacher.
I wish every student would turn in work like yours! It is heartfelt and genuine to read. Keep it up! You do great work.
Brady Nixon, Jun 21 at 8:21am
Oh that feels so very nice!

This is the work he was referencing.

In the sermon at the temple, Jesus teaches us how to live a perfect, celestial life. Search through 3 Nephi 12 for three attributes the Savior discusses which you would like to improve in your life. Then discuss how each attribute would help you to be a better person.

1)      “And blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.” (3 Nephi 12:6)
I’ve come to learn that I am somewhat of a seeker in life. I want to know things. I love learning. I’m okay with knowing the end of the book before I begin. I don’t care much for surprises. I was the child who unwrapped Christmas presents carefully in the middle of the night and then rewrapped them perfectly so nobody was a bit the wiser. I have a hunger for good things and sometimes not so good things. Right now, as I’m ending Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (again), I’m just plain hungry. But more than any wrapped gift, more than any story ending, more than any nosiness, I want to be so hungry for that which is good, righteous, and holy. I know that if I thirsted and hungered more after these things, I would be a more holy woman because I will have the Holy Ghost at my side.

My time in the Pathway program and now at BYU-I is truly doing what was intended: getting the gospel of Jesus Christ down into my heart. I am learning how to nourish myself with the good things of the gospel more than ever before in my life. I know that if I seek, hunger, and thirst after that which is good (better & best), then I will stand on holier ground. I will be able to serve others in greater capacity. My life will be a little bit sweeter, though maybe not easier. As I feel the pangs of thirst and hunger swell, I feel more confident in how I am before the Lord.

2)      “…I give unto you to be the salt of the earth; but if the salt shall lose its savor wherewith shall the earth be salted?” (3 Nephi 12:13)
For salt to lose its savor is a pretty dreadful thing for the salt. It truly is good for nothing. It can’t preserve food. It can’t melt ice. It can’t season food. It is to be tossed out and trampled upon for it has become useless. Oh how I do not want to be useless—I need to be useful! Growing up, someone who was supposed to uplift me but chose another path regularly told me that I was a “good for nothing.” I knew he was wrong then as much as I know now it was wrong. However, those too oft repeated words sunk in and have been a rock in my shoe ever since. Choosing to listen to the teachings of my Heavenly Father and His Son and all the prophets certainly help!

I have talents that aren’t easily identified, but I know I have them. I don’t have babies of my own, but I know I can mother. I don’t know everything, but I know enough to help. If I continue to share my talents, abilities, or even just my care, concern, or prayers, I know I will be useful in the kingdom. I know that I will not have lost my savor. I don’t think I could bear it if I were thought of as useless in the Church or in life. Trusting in the Lord and doing what I can to be of use does bless me, but it blesses those around me too. Sometimes it’s hard to think of myself as making a difference, but when I ask in prayer to help me to see the ripples of my good choices, sometimes He lets me see them. Humbling and amazing.

3)      “Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (3 Nephi 12:16)
I do try hard to be good and do good. Full admission: sometimes I like it when I receive accolades. I know we’re not supposed to be doing our good works so that we can be seen of men. I know, I do. Maybe it’s that “good for nothing” garbage I was fed as a girl… But this verse means a little more to me than aspiring to do-gooder status or making sure I am seen at the service projects. When I read this verse I get a certain sense of, “Candace, get out of the way. It’s hard for people to see the good and believe the good if you’re in the way of the good.” Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy. Sometimes (a lot of the time) things pop out of my mouth that never should’ve been uttered. It is a perpetual problem of mine, and yes, I am working on this weakness, praying that it will become a strength someday soon. I know that the spirit inside me is good. She is heaven-sent. It’s the earthy, fleshy, natural woman who makes things tricky. So, the way I’m presently seeing it, if I listen more to the inner goodness—both the sweet Candace spirit and the Holy Ghost, then that light shall be better witnessed by others and my Father will be the one glorified, not me. When I finally choose to care about His glory more than my own, I will actually be in line with the commandment. Until then, I’m working on it.


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