Being Humble & Offended
Is it at all possible to be truly humble and find oneself taking offense? I don't think so. According to THIS DEFINITION of "offend," it seems to me that in order to be offended, one must assume malice on the part of the supposed offender. Being assumptive is pretty much the same as being judgemental, is it not? How can one be judgemental and still be humble? I daresay it cannot be done. Clearly, there are 'offending' situations in life. All sin is offensive to the pure in heart. But since every single one of us is human and does sin, it goes without saying that not a single one of us is truly pure. Who am I to be offended by the actions of another? Oftentimes at church I hear that this person was offended by that person, or that person was offended by so-and-so's words, etc. I wonder if perhaps the offended person were to just not assume/believe the offender meant harm, how easily the situation could be remedied....
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